"sstd:" missing from autlook anywhere autodiscovery
Connect to microsoft exchange over http is autoenabled in outlook. But "connecting to proxy, based on the name in certificate" is displayed mail.mydomain.com instead "sstd:mail.mydomain.com". How to tell him to return "SSTD:" before the server name ?Be real
July 24th, 2012 11:28am

Hi, You caused that problem when you hardcoded the Outlookprovider and left msstd: out. (Yes, I read your other thread) Btw, Why did you hardcode EXPR. Don't you have mail.mydomain.com as the first SAN Name in your certificate? If not, then I can understand why. You really should at least remove the hardcoded EXCH.Martina Miskovic
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July 24th, 2012 11:38am

Hi, You caused that problem when you hardcoded the Outlookprovider and left msstd: out. (Yes, I read your other thread) Btw, Why did you hardcode EXPR. Don't you have mail.mydomain.com as the first SAN Name in your certificate? If not, then I can understand why. You really should at least remove the hardcoded EXCH.Martina Miskovic
July 24th, 2012 11:43am

i just hardcoded msstd:mail.mydomain.com and it resolves my problem. Tnx for pointing me to the right way !Be real
Free Windows Admin Tool Kit Click here and download it now
July 25th, 2012 3:24am

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